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The scary effects of Stray Viruses Found in Vaccines

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Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny is a board-certified osteopathic medical doctor. She is widely regarded the most knowledgeable and outspoken physician on the negative impact of vaccines on health. She is also a recognized expert on many topics within the field of Integrative Medicine including breast health (breast thermography), women's hormones, issues with iodine, and natural approaches to thyroid and adrenal conditions.

An alphabet soup of government agencies regulates the production and approval of vaccines. Dozens of committee members and drug company representatives have convened on many occasions to discuss the impact that stray viruses found in vaccines may have on health.


In 2010, DNA sequences originating from a pig, virus PCV1, were found in two batches of Rotarix, an orally administered, live virus vaccine given to prevent diarrhea in infants.[1] New research spearheaded by SaneVax, Inc., disturbingly found that Gardasil, the vaccine given to reduce the incidence of cervical cancer caused by human papilloma virus (HPV), was seriously contaminated. In lots tested from around the world, 100% of the 13 samples contained stray, recombinant HPV DNA. This is a man-made, genetically modified version of the natural HPV virus and is classified by the FDA as a biohazard[2]. Why are stray viruses with unknown consequences tolerated in vaccines given to children?

Other stray viruses exist in a variety of vaccines manufactured using eggs.

n 1985, Endogenous Avian Virus, or EAV, was identified as a contaminant of influenza vaccines and was associated enzyme called reverse transcriptase..[3] This virus is present in all breeds of chicken and cannot be eliminated from even the most stringently kept flocks.[4] In 1999, presence of reverse transcriptase was also detected in the measles and mumps vaccines. Is it possible that vaccines containing reverse transcriptase are weaving viral genes into human DNA?[5] Industry scientists have long been apprehensive about the potential for this phenomenon, but their concerns have not been conveyed to the medical community.

A potentially more serious contaminant is Avian Leucosis Virus, or ALV, which has also been found in egg-based vaccines. ALV is considered a "parent" virus because has the ability to transform into a cancer-causing sarcoma virus that can be copied and inserted randomly into the DNA of the vaccine recipient.[6] For more than 45 years, vaccinated humans have been exposed to this virus that may lead to cancer.

While the presence of ALV and EAV have not been identified in sera of vaccine recipients[7], this does not mean the viruses are harmless. Part of the normal lifecycle of a retrovirus involves integrating into the host's DNA. While embedded in the host's DNA, the virus is invisible to the human immune system - and also to the tools of a researcher trying to find it.[8] Lack of detection is not proof that the viruses are not causing harm. Researchers continue to voice concern that under the right conditions, both EAV and ALV have the ability to activate cancer-causing genes, particularly genes that can cause breast cancer.[9]

Chickens and eggs are not the only source of viral contaminants found in vaccines. Bovine (cow) serum is used to produce the following vaccines: rubella, chickenpox, the adult pneumonia shot and Prevnar. Nearly 100% of bovine serum is contaminated with bovine viruses. Unknown viruses may be introduced through dog kidneys and insects, soon to be used to manufacture of flu shots. Cells from African Green monkeys, called VERO cells, are used during the production of polio vaccines. To date, researchers have not identified any increase in childhood cancer caused by stray viruses, but how can they know for sure? Additionally, are researchers even looking for the association?

Vaccines and Cancer

If vaccines with stray viruses were only given once in a lifetime, perhaps they would be of little consequence. But the risk that contaminant viruses pose to the human genome has substantially increased.

Some shots, such as flu shots, are recommended for nearly everyone, from infants to the elderly. Flu shots are pushed on pregnant women and are becoming mandatory for all healthcare workers in exchange for employment. In 2005 and 2009, extra doses of flu vaccine were administered to children and adults during the bird flu and swine flu pandemic scares. Could stray retroviruses become incorporated into the human genome without detection, leading to health problems including cancer, later in life?

In 2002, Samuel S. Epstein, MD, chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition and professor emeritus of Environmental and Occupational Medicine at the University of Illinois School of Public Health, reported that cancer in children has been steadily increasing. He noted, ironically, that since the government declared War on Cancer, with the 1971 passage of the National Cancer Act, childhood cancer has risen by 26 percent.[10] According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), approximately one in 300 boys and one in 333 girls will develop cancer before their 20th birthday. As of 2006, cancer was most common cause of death by disease for children and adolescents in America.

While survival has improved due to advancements in chemotherapy and other toxic treatments, two-thirds of those who live develop at least one chronic health condition that can include heart damage, second cancers, lung damage, infertility, cognitive impairment, growth deficits, hearing loss, and more. The "cost" of cancer extends for a lifetime.[11]

Certainly, vaccines are not the only potential cause of cancer. A list of environmental chemicals has also been implicated, including paternal and/or maternal exposure to dioxin,[12] exposure to pesticides in the home,[13] and even contact with pet flea collars.[14] Ritalin for attention deficit disorders may pose a risk of causing rare, highly aggressive liver cancers.[15] But how does exposure to 40 doses of 16 different vaccines by five years of age, vaccines that contain extra viruses and other toxic ingredients, lay the groundwork for cancer in children and adults, particularly breast cancer?

This disturbing concept, the susceptibility of immature breast buds to carcinogens, is discussed at length in the medical text, Breast Imaging, by Dr. Daniel Kopans (pg 84). In rodent models, breast buds of young mice were found to be highly susceptible to damage by carcinogens. When the same carcinogens were given to mice with mature breasts, few cancers developed. Exposing rapidly proliferating breast tissue of young girls to known carcinogens and stray vaccine viruses could be a substantial risk factor for developing breast cancer in the future. Kopans voiced considerable concerned about this possibility.[16]

Colleague Dr. Russell Blaylock has researched the possible association between aluminum in vaccines and breast cancer.[17] Gardasil, heavily loaded with aluminum, is recommended for girls beginning at 9 years of age. Additionally, millions of little girls have received yearly flu shots since infancy. Could the combination of retroviruses and formaldehyde in flu shots, and the large amount of aluminum in the three-shot Gardasil series, be contributing to the highly aggressive breast cancers now appearing in young women?[18] No one knows because no one is looking. Even fewer want to know.

What's At Stake

You can't find what you're not looking for. Those who fund vaccine research are not interested in knowing if vaccines are causing cancer. The association would be disastrous for the vaccine program. Contaminant retroviruses extracted from vaccines are capable of replicating. If a virus can replicate, it is capable of causing harm. Scientists have cautioned that even though the known viral contaminants are thought to be harmless, other disease-causing viruses may be present in cell lines used for vaccine production that have not yet been identified... and the unknown viruses may not be benign.

Are overzealous use of vaccines depositing viruses from chickens, cows, monkeys, dogs and insects into the human genome? Are we altering the genes of future generations in unknown ways through vaccines? What's coming through that needle can indeed, be deadly.


Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny is a board-certified osteopathic medical doctor. She is widely regarded the most knowledgeable and outspoken physician on the negative impact of vaccines on health. She is also a recognized expert on many topics within the field of Integrative Medicine including breast health (breast thermography), women's hormones, issues with iodine, and natural approaches to thyroid and adrenal conditions.

Dr. Tenpenny is a frequent radio and TV guest. The author of several books, including "FOWL! Bird flu is Not What You Think", best-seller "Saying No to Vaccines", which refutes the 25 most common reasons to vaccinate. She has contributed to several books including the best-selling, "Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health and Our Children" and "Textbook of Food and Nutrients in Disease Management. (Johns Hopkins University Press). Her DVDs, books and materials are available To learn about her medical clinic at

[1] FDA.
[2] SANE Vax Inc. Discovers Potential Bio-hazard Contaminant in Merck's Gardasil™ HPV 4 Vaccine.'s-gardasil™-hpv-4-vaccine
[3] Weiss, R. RNA tumor viruses, New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; 1982. pp. 1109-1203.
[4] "Evolving Scientific and Regulatory Perspectives on cell substrates for vaccine development," Food and Drug Administration, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, 10 September 1999. minutes/ 0910evolv .txt.)
[5] "Concerns about Vaccine Contamination," The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ( .)
[6] Dr Richard C. Hunt. Virology - Chapter Six on Oncogenic Viruses.
[7] Hussain AI, Shanmugam V, et al. Lack of evidence of endogenous avian leukosis virus and endogenous avian retrovirus transmission to measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine recipients. Emerg Infect Dis. 2001 Jan-Feb;7(1):66-72.
[8] Alberts, Bray, Johnson, Lewis, Raff, Roberts, and Walter. "The Life Cycle Of A
Retrovirus," Garland Publishing (1998).
[9] Felder, M. P., "Steps and mechanisms of oncogene transduction by retroviruses," Folia Biologica (Praha), 40 (1994): 225-235.
[10] Epstein, Samuel and Young, Quentin, MD. "Escalating Incidence of Childhood Cancer Ignored," Environmental News Service, 9 May 2002.
[11] American Childhood Cancer Association.
[12] "US study establishes link between dioxin and cancer" By Perla Astudillo.1 June 1999.
[13] Jaga K, Dharmani C. "The epidemiology of pesticide exposure and cancer: A review." Rev Environ Health. 2005 Jan-Mar;20(1):15-38
[14] NRDC Lawsuit Halts Retailers and Manufacturers from Selling Potentially Harmful Flea Collars Without a Warning Label. December 16, 2010.
[15] "Ritalin and Liver cancer" by Samuel S. Epstein, M.D.
[16] Breast Imaging, by Dr. Daniel Kopans. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Third edition October 25, 2006. pg 84.
[17] Blaylock, Russell NEW Studies Reveal Alarming Hidden Cause of Breast Cancer. March 9, 2011.
[18] 'Lightning Strikes' When Young Girls Get Breast Cancer.
[1] FDA.
[1] SANE Vax Inc. Discovers Potential Bio-hazard Contaminant in Merck's Gardasil™ HPV 4 Vaccine.'s-gardasil™-hpv-4-vaccine
[1] Weiss, R. RNA tumor viruses, New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; 1982. pp. 1109-1203.
[1] "Evolving Scientific and Regulatory Perspectives on cell substrates for vaccine development," Food and Drug Administration, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, 10 September 1999. minutes/ 0910evolv .txt.)
[1] "Concerns about Vaccine Contamination," The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ( .)
[1] Dr Richard C. Hunt. Virology - Chapter Six on Oncogenic Viruses.


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