Article reference:

Benzene Contamination Activates HIV

Benzene is a rather poisonous substance used as an industrial solvent and added to "green" gasoline. Wikipedia says that this use has been limited, but benzene certainly has not been eliminated from the gasoline we pour into our car when we "fill her up". The substance is also a known carcinogen and as a cause of leukemia. As Cal Crilly details in the following article, benzene may also be implicated in what's known as Aids through the mechanism of DNA methylation.

Here is the article, a joint effort by Cal and his friend Fred, a 70 year old HIV positive with a missing Methylation Gene.

Low dose benzene causes global hypomethylation of DNA and epigenetic hypermethylation of some genes.

The presence of matrix metalloproteineases, MMP's, in benzene toxic patients shows that the extracellular matrix (ECM) has been affected, namely collagen.

Recent research shows that Histone Deacetylase, an enzyme which affects the ECM, is associated with methylation and that Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors (HDAC) can be used to reverse de-acetylation, methylation and the formation of MMP's.

Therefore, it follows that the damage done by benzene to the ECM could be partly reversed by HDAC's.

Since benzene causes collagen damage, it follows that this damage could be due to Histone Deacetylase enzyme which is associated with methylation.

But Benzene also initiates global hypomethylation and as well as hypermethylation epigenetic changes.

So Benzene makes retroviruses come out but triggers Histone Deacetylase.

(As in it is one big cause of cancer that we are doing almost nothing about.)

Hypomethylation can result in DNA or RNA changes.

Latent Herpes viruses are activated by immune activation which Benzene as a toxin would also do.

Benzene toxin would also release parasite egg sacs from collagen in immunocompromised people by ECM oxidation/damage which releases MMP's.

If these eggs have a lipid coating it will be removed by the Benzene allowing the egg sacs to break resulting in chronic parasitic infection.

The combination of immune activation and hypomethylation could result in Histones.
Protease Inhibitors used in HIV-1 protocols are Histone Deacetylase inhibitors and MMP inhibitors.

They are called Protease Inhibitors so over time they would stop the release of parasite egg sacs from the ECM stopping the chronic immune affect of Benzene toxicity.


"Airborne benzene was associated with a significant reduction in LINE-1 (-2.33% for a 10-fold increase in airborne benzene levels; P = 0.009) and AluI (-1.00%; P = 0.027) methylation." Or hypomethylation of LINE-1 retroviral elements.
Changes in DNA Methylation Patterns in Subjects Exposed to Low-Dose Benzene

Cal continues:

"I wrote the rest of this....

So the catch 22 is that Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors(HDAC) can be used to reverse de-acetylation, methylation and the formation of MMP's. So it makes HIV come out of the genome but the damage is being actually caused by the MMP's which are degrading the collagen matrix."

Histone deacetylase (HDAC), a host mediator of gene repression, inhibits HIV gene expression and virus production and may contribute to quiescence of HIV within resting CD4 T cells.
Coaxing HIV-1 from resting CD4 T cells: histone deacetylase inhibition allows latent viral expression.

"For this purpose, we stably transfected the neuroblastoma cell line U87 with a cytomegalovirus promoter-driven reporter gene construct whose expression was analyzed following treatment with the DNA methylation inhibitor 5'-aza-2'-deoxycytidine or histone deacetylation inhibitor trichostatin A. Both substances reactivated the silenced cytomegalovirus promoter, but with different reaction kinetics. Furthermore, whereas the kinetics of reactivation by trichostatin"
Inhibitors of DNA methylation and histone deacetylation activate cytomegalovirus promoter-controlled reporter gene expression in human glioblastoma cell line U87

"Detailed investigation of the histones demonstrates that their attack by reactive benzene species is ubiquitous, resulting in multiple modified sites within a single histone. Of the amino acids potentially susceptible to reaction, cysteine is not an exclusive target, whereas lysine could be. The evidence suggests that multiple lysine residues within each histone are attacked, the location of each modification being based on rates of diffusion rather than kinetic factors. This highly reactive nature of the benzene metabolites suggests a free radical mechanism."
Attomole Detection of in Vivo Protein Targets of Benzene in Mice - Evidence For A Highly Reactive Metabolite

So the correct cure for HIV/AIDS is dietary Lysine to act as Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors.

And Selenium to act as a compound to methylate HIV and keep it inactive.

And Benzene is the cause of AIDS.

If you do an experiment on Lymphatic tissue in particular from any healthy black person by dissolving it in Benzene you will get a cross reaction with Gallo's HIV antibody test.
HIV is an endogenous Lymphatic retrovirus.
Histone methylation

"CONCLUSIONS: Daily selenium supplementation can suppress the progression of HIV-1 viral burden and provide indirect improvement of CD4 count. The results support the use of selenium as a simple, inexpensive, and safe adjunct therapy in HIV spectrum disease."
Suppression of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 viral load with selenium supplementation: a randomized controlled trial.

If HERV-W and HERV-K turn up in tumours and the placenta then they are reproductive retroviruses, if HERV-R turns up in skin it's a skin retrovirus, Hep C only turns up in people who drink too much and take drugs so the liver DNA tissue is hypomethylating and the Hep C therefore comes out of our DNA and is a liver retrovirus.

This means HIV is a Lymphatic retrovirus, it's not transmitted.


Ever since Terry Taminen's Lives per Gallon one was left with doubts about unlimited individual transportation. When I was in the US and Germany I could smell deeply benzene as we pass by many cars parked and whizzing past us. It was claimed then itself(1960s and gap then 2000s)that benzene vapours was a potent CAR C(S)IN O GEN. And now HIV activation! I always thought why the sudden emphasis(in the 90s) on AIDS. Now we could see crystal clearly that it is associated with wastes of modern civilisation. Go normal or perish!