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10 Drugs You Should Never Take!

10 Drugs You Should Never Take!

We’re in the age of “conveyor-belt medicine.” The mainstream medical system is set up to allow your doctor just enough time to give you a quick diagnosis followed by a prescription or a needless procedure. Rarely does it allow you the time to discuss much of anything that could give you a true foundation for good health, such as dietary changes, appropriate exercises and healthy weight-loss goals. Profit-bloated drug companies are at the helm of our healthcare system. They exist to serve their bottom lines—not your health needs. They’re vested in you staying sick.

Offering cutting edge alternatives to health and wellness is what HSI is all about….but even more than that, it’s the right thing to do. Unlike drug companies, whose sole concern is financial gain at the expense of the folks they’re supposed to be helping, our mission is helping you stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible.

Our members come to us at their wits’ end. Their relief is beyond measure when they hear that there are safer alternatives to the drugs they are struggling with—physically and financially.

Now, we’d like to share with you the same advice we give to our members—starting with the 10 drugs you should avoid and the reasons why.

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