Article reference:

Forgotten metabolic side effects of diuretics: lipids, glucose and vitamin B1 (thiamin) metabolism

1: Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax. 2004 May 12;93(20):857-63.
Souce: Ncbi - Pub Med

Forgotten metabolic side effects of diuretics: lipids, glucose and vitamin B1 (thiamin) metabolism

Suter PM.

Medizinische Poliklinik, Universitatsspital Zurich.

Diuretics could lead to an impairment of lipid and glucose metabolism. These potentially adverse effects of the diuretics could be compensated by non-pharmacological strategies such as weight loss or physical activity.

Diuretics lead to an increased urinary loss of vitamin B1 (thiamine), a diuretic side effect which is often forgotten. In the setting of a high vitamin B1 intake the increased urinary excretion is of no pathophysiologic relevance. However, in the setting of low or suboptimal dietary intakes of thiamine the insufficient thiamine nutriture may be of importance. Vitamin B1 plays an important role in energy metabolism, especially also at the level of the heart muscle. Wet beri-beri is the characteristic vitamin B1 deficiency disease, which is besides others also characterized by heart failure. Evidence suggests that heart failure can be improved by the additional administration of Vitamin B1. Older individuals under a chronic diuretic therapy should obtain an oral vitamin B1 supplementation.

PMID: 15195837 [PubMed - in process]