Article reference:

Mercury in Teeth: Chronic Generator of Free Radicals

A paper presented by Poul Moeller to the 25th World Congress of the International Society for Fat Research in Bordeaux, 12 - 15 October 2003. Moeller is a retired food chemist. He explains that toxic mercury in tooth fillings is one of the principal sources of oxidative stress on the organism of a great majority of people, increasing our need for antioxidant nutrients. Mercury also causes degeneration of brain neurons, as an educational film of the University of Calgary shows.

The insidious consequences of constant pollution of our biological "environment" and how the chemical industry in collusion with psychiatry is deflecting responsibility away from the poisons and the poisoners, are discussed in Skewed - Martin Walker's latest book.

Extended version Nov 27, 2003

Poul Moller, MSc, Chem.Eng.

Paper presented at the 25th World Congress of the International Society for Fat Research, ISF, in Bordeaux, 12 - 15.10.2003

Mercury from Tooth Fillings is the Main Chronic Generator of Free Radicals, Which Increases the Demand for Antioxidants Significantly

The aim of this paper is to draw your attention to a neglected, powerful source of oxidative stress increasing the need for antioxidants. In healthy persons reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidants are in balance. ROS are a normal part of our metabolism, and they are active when fighting bacteria and vira. However a large permanent excess of ROS leads to oxidative stress, to cell damage and in the long run chronic diseases. ROS consist of free radicals and non-radicals, e.g.. hydrogen peroxide.

Sources of ROS may be: High energy radiation, e.g. UV-light (“cancer grill”), heavy sun
burning, radiation in cancer therapy and radioactivity. Furthermore heavy physical training, long lasting inflammations, some drugs, alcohol, smoking, and above all heavy metals. Mercury (Hg) in deposits in particular, as the safety claim of amalgam is wrong, in fact it is in contrast to Nature. High contents have been found in removed organs, aorta, idc-heart and thyroidcancer. Deposits of Hg are the only permanent source, now that leaded petrol has been phased out.

Release of Hg from tooth fillings starts upon implantation and reaches max. 2 days later: Vaporization takes place through all surfaces, visible as well as invisible. Saturated Hg vapor contains 50.000 µg/m3 at 37°C. The other amalgam metals reduce the amount vaporizable, but we are more than 500 x above the safety limits of 10-25 µg/m3. Similarly, an investigation at the Tübingen University in Germany of the saliva of 20.000 people showed, that more than half of those in fertile ages exceeded the limit of tolerance, often several fold, i.e. they swallow 1.5 litres of toxic saliva every day all year round. Hg is released by wear, chewing, chewing gum, bruxism, tooth brushing, cleaning and polishing ... Corrosion from the electric element gold/amalgam may increase the outflow 10 times.

Reactions and behaviour of Hg In blood stream and other fluids, Hg

1) oxidizes to Hg++, recycles: one OH-radical/cycle, the most toxic one, attacking any substance

2) bounds very strongly to SH in cysteine in glutathione, active sites in enzymes, some hormones, e.g. insulin, deforming DNA etc. blocking their function. Even stronger binding to SeH, selenium e.g. in glutathione peroxidase. Our most important antioxidative system may be inactive.

3) reacts bacterially, by Streptococci to methyl-Hg, that is cell killing and fat soluble and we have no protecting barriers against it. It penetrates cell membranes, blood/brain, blood/retina, the placenta and the mammae glands.

HgS-compounds and methyl-Hg are extremely insouble in aqueous liquids, half times > 20 yrs. in the brain and nervous tissue; thus the excretion ex deposits is very slow: I.a. in the brain, the central and peripheral nerves, retina, pituitary, thyroid, other glands, heart, liver, kidneys, ovaries, ova, testicles, sperm and immune system.

3 age-groups are identified

1) Victims of the systematization 1935-65 with up to 22 fillings, more than 10 g vaporizable Hg with open access to brain via the olfactory bulb. Now entering old age, they may have more than 100 milllion Hg-atoms/cell on average all over the body.

2) From 1960's control of caries.

3) End 1970's an uncontrolled highly unstable type was introduced. It was a fatal turning point:

Girls now fertile pass on methyl-Hg during pregnancy and lactation to the embryo and the infant. It accumulates in brain during the period of formation. Hg in umbilical cord and milk is up to 8 x Hg in mothers blood. Inflow per unit of weight is important, so the influence is extremely strong at the start of pregnancy, when the brain is so small. It may get defective, resulting in mental retardation, autism, DAMP, need of special education and more.

Any non-explained disease ought to have Hg as hypothesis No. one.

Symptoms and diseases.

The “New Diseases” are due to Hg-toxicity

suicidal thoughts 
muscle/joint pain
tingling lips/fingers
visual disorders
lack of concentration
loss of memory
cold extremities
frequent colds --> sinusitis        
loss of appetite --> loss of weight
increased blood pressure, cholesterol,
heavy menstrual pains, (25)

Hypochondriacs? No, Hg-poisoned. Schoolmedicine has no explanation.

Chronic diseases

Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease
senile dementia
MS and ALS,
chronic fatigue
some rheumatics
some allergies: asthma/psoriasis
reduced quality of sperm
bacterial resistance to antibiotics  
cataract, AMD and other eye diseases due to accumulated Hg in retina disappearing very slowly.

Estimate: 20-25% of the population are suffering, i.e. half of those in the risk age of over 50 years old.

Biochemists should be aware of this neglected demand of antioxidants in their research. But do not put weight on analyses of urine & blood, they are for transport, not for storage.

High Hg-values have been discovered in an aorta, an idc-heart and a thyroid tumor. A databank of Hg-analyses of parts of organs from surgery should add to the final proof, which by the way has been admitted by the Scandinavian authorities, when taken together.


Important References:

(1) Fairfield KM, Fletcher RH, Harvard Medical School, Vitamins for Chronic Disease Prevention in Adults, Scientific Review, JAMA, 2002; vol. 287: 3116-26, 152 ref. og

(2) Fletcher RH, Fairfield KM, Vitamins for Chronic Disease Prevention in Adults, Clinical Applications, JAMA, 2002; vol. 287: 3127-29, 23 ref.

(3) Ames BN et al. Oxidants, antioxidants and the degenerative diseases of aging. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1993; 90: 7915-22.

(4) Ames BN et al. The causes and prevention of cancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci. USA 1995; 92: 5258-65.

(5) Ames BN et al.: High-dose vitamins stimulate variant enzymes with decreased coenzyme-binding affinity (increased Km): relevance to genetic disease and polymorphisms. Am. J. Clin. Nutr, 2002 (5); 75: 616-658.

(6) Encyclopedia of Food Science and Nutrition, Elsevier, 2003, pg. 284 listing 49 diseases “involving” ROS.